Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Hobby

                My hobby is fishing. Most people think fishing is boring activity, but for me this is a fun activity. I usually go fishing when the holidays, but for now I was busy with my college so I rarely go fishing, even never. Now I just only realize my hobby on television, because many television programs that broadcast fishing. The first time I knew about fishing from my father when I was 13 years old. I was a junior high school grade 9. First, I thought this activity is a waste of time, but after enjoying the fishing I realized that this activity was very enjoyable. When fishing, I can also did a variety of things while waiting for my feed eaten by fish, such as praying thank istigfar and other prayers. I usually go fishing in the sea. I can see the beauty of the sea that so amazing, I assume my hoobby is also available to refresh my mind.
The interesting thing when fishing is when the feed is eaten by fish, I am ready to pull my fishing rod. But sometimes the fish was off and didn’t get any fish. And the shocking anymore, I ever get a tree branch. I was very surprised and very silly, I laughed at this incident. My father also laughted me, and without I knowing the man who sat next to me, also laughted me. I was very shy and with quickly I took the tree branch near my foot. The biggest challenge when fishing is facing the heat of sun. We know that in the sea there are no trees so there is no place to take shelter. But suddenly not often raining while fishing. They are all the risks when fishing, but I enjoy it happily. Sometimes it becomes a pleasant memory.
In fishing I committed only bringing home the big fish (palm-size) and the small fish I returned to the sea. Therefore the population will not extinct, if the population is extinct, we will not be able to return it back. If we keep our nature, so nature will keep us.


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